The Aron Theatre Presents TIFF. Oct 9 - Ezra; Oct 23 - We Grown Now; Nov 6 - Thelma Showtimes are 2 pm and 7 pm The Aron Theatre Presents TIFF. Oct 9 - Ezra; Oct 23 - We Grown Now; Nov 6 - Thelma Showtimes are 2 pm and 7 pm Every second Thursday of the month is CLASSIC MOVIE NIGHT at the Aron. Movies start at 7:00 pm and are pay what you can. The Hastings Community Lunch happens every 2nd Friday of the month at the Hastings Civic Centre. Doors open at 11:30 am and lunch is served at noon. Everyone welcome! Celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the 2777 Northumberland Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps with a Dinner and Dance at the Campbellford Legion. This event is a fundraiser. Entertainment, bar and Janet Jeffrey Band at 8:30 pm. Connect with like-minded individuals, share best practices, challenges and ask questions of your peers. The first half of the session will be a facilitated roundtable format to promote conversation, participation voluntary. The second half will be open interaction.
TIFF at the Aron Theatre
TIFF at the Aron Theatre
Classic Movie Night at the Aron
Hastings Community Lunch
2777 Army Cadet Corps 60th Anniversary Dinner & Dance
BECN Peer to Peer Connect Session