Tuesday Sep 19, 2023
Tuesday, September 19 Online meeting via Zoom --https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82135122760?pwd=Um9hR2JsWEpQUVhMc3pWWDB2dlJjUT09 Chamber members attend free
Trent Hills Chamber of Commerce "Abbi and Me" – Nancy Allanson, CEO at the Trent Hills Chamber of Commerce will share how their new intern Abbi (aka Artificial Intelligence) has helped to achieve improved performance and productivity. Join us for an online workshop on "The Power of AI: How to Harness Its Potential for Your Business," featuring Nancy Allanson, CEO of Trent Hills Chamber of Commerce. She will share their success stories and challenges of integrating AI at the Chamber, introducing you to their star intern, "Abbi" (short for Artificial Intelligence). Learn firsthand how Abbi has enhanced their operations, particularly by using its copywriting tools. Mark your calendar and secure your spot for an enlightening lunch and learn session. Register now and unlock the potential of AI for your business or organization.Date and Time
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
noon to 1 pmLocation
If you are experiencing technical difficulties connecting contact the Chamber at 705-653-1551.Fees/Admission
Non-chamber members pay $10Website
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